Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Bass Player

Guess what... today is the 100th post!

That's right, so far there have been 100 Kids in the Hall posts, and it doesn't look like we'll be running out of clips any time soon!

So in honor of this day, I'm going to post a sketch staring my favorite Kid, Kevin, with a special guest spot by Bruce, the blog reader's favorite Kid in the Hall!

So thank you for the comments, and the poll votes! Keep checking Kids In The Hall Clip of the Day for more clips and KITH bits.

The Bass Player


Anonymous said...

This one always makes me laugh a little too hard!

Anonymous said...

This one is deff my top favorites :D I <3 Kevin and his poofy hair hahahaha

OneCheekyHobbit said...

Yeah the odd little poof in the back. Let me tell ya, I really had to cut down his hair in the header graphic. It was WAY too big.